sobota 21. května 2011

Nový SW a FW pro TM-D710

Nakonec se podařilo a borci z Kenwoodu vyprodukovali nový SW a FW pro TM-D710, který primárně řeší fatální problémy s APRS a přidal i pár dalších inovací. Sice to trvalo, ale hlavně že to dopadlo. 

Aktualizovány jsou prakticky všechny varianty SW a FW, tj.:

  • TNC update verze 1.02 stahujte ZDE!
  • Operation Panel verze 2.10 stahujte ZDE!
  • Firmware update verze 2.10 stahujte ZDE!
  • Obslužný SW MCP-2A verze 3.20 stahujte ZDE!
Tak zálohujte, stahujte a aktualizujte!

TNC update 1.02:

When a communications error between the built-in TNC and the operation panel CPU occurs, the built-in TNC will be automatically reset.(To enable the function, please also update the Operation Panel firmware to Version 2.10 or later.)

Operation Panel update 2.10:

1. When pressing [F], [N/H] while the station direction is displayed, the "North Up" (displays North as the top) changes to the "Heading Up" (displays the current travel direction as the top) or vice-versa.

2. When pressing [TOP] while the station list is displayed, the cursor control changes from "Followed" (the cursor follows the call sign when receiving APRS data) to "Fixed" (the cursor sits at the list number "1" when receiving APRS data) or vice-versa.

3. In the station information display, always revises the direction and distance to the displayed station.

4. When selecting [PASTE1]-[PASTE4] in message compilation mode, previews the head of 9 characters of the user phrases. 

5. While the display is interrupted to show the received message, by pressing [READ] displays the detail of the message.

6. While the display is interrupted to show the received message, by pressing [REPLY] displays the message reply compilation mode and then changes the status to "already read".

7. In the [Menu No.610 : STATION ICON], when selected [OTHERS], displays Icons and Overlay information as well as other icons.
The number of icons which can display is increased from 25 to 75.

8. In the [Menu No.611 : BEACON TX ALGORITHM], changes the maximum value of the [INITIAL INTERVAL] from [30](min) to [60](min).

9. In the [Menu No.612 : PACKET PATH], changes the minimum value of the [TOTAL HOPS] from [1](hop) to [0](hop).

10. In the [Menu No.615 : WEATHER STATION], changes the maximum value of the [TX INTERVAL] from [30](min) to [60](min).

11. In the [Menu No.625 : INTERRUPT DISPLAY], adds a setting value of [ENTIRE ALWAYS].

12. When [Menu No.625 : INTERRUPT DISPLAY]-[DISPLAY AREA], is set to [ENTIRE ALWAYS] , "MY POSITION" or "MY MESSAGE" will appear on the interrupted display with the call sign(s) of the digipeater(s).

13. When the [Menu No.625 : INTERRUPT DISPLAY]-[DISPLAY AREA] is set to [ENTIRE ALWAYS] or [ENTIRE], direction and distance will appear in the interrupted display.

14. In the [Menu No.625 : INTERRUPT DISPLAY], adds menu of the [INTERRUPT TIME] which has [INFINITE],[3],[5],[10](min) setting values.

15. In the [Menu No.630 : SMARTBEACONING1], the maximum value of the [HIGH SPEED] from [70] to [90].

16. When the radio is turned on, the year, month, day, and time are automatically set from the GPS satellite information .

17. When a communications error between the built-in TNC and the operation panel CPU occurs, the built-in TNC will be automatically reset.(To enable the function, please also update the Built-in TNC firmware to Version 1.02.)

Revises the following symptom.
1. APRS station list data can on rare occasions be stored to an invalid EEPROM area and cause unintended APRS menu changes.

Firmaware update 2.10:

1. Enables the European models TM-D710E and the TM-V71E (used with the RC-D710) to operate the KENWOOD SKY COMMAND SYSTEM II as well as the U.S.A. models TM-D710A and the TM-V71A (used with the RC-D710).

Revises the following symptom.

1. When a packet transmits automatically, the APO (Auto Power Off) timer will be reset.