V pátek jsem si po pár vyměněných technických e-mailech, objednal špičkový simplexní opakovač ADS-SR1 od americké společnosti Argent Data Systems. Sdružuje funkce Simplex Repeater, Voice Mail a Voice Beacon. Ve středu mi volala má drahá polovička, že to přišlo. Exceletní doba dodání. Zpracování a vybavenost zařízení také naprosto vynikající. Objednal jsem si přímo propojovací kabely pro ručky Kenwood a Motorola, na obou šlape opakovač bez nejmenších problému. Kvalita audia nemá konkurenci a celková délka záznamu na relaci 218s je nejdelší, kterou jsem při procházení netu našel. Navíc to celé ve finále vyšlo levněji, včetně kabelů a poštovného, než výrobky z Evropy. Spokojenost. Popis zařízení ADS-SR1 přímo na webu výrobce. Zvažuji i nákup APRS Trackeru model Tracker2 model OT2m.
Popis výrobce:
The ADS-SR1 is a multi-function voice recorder device that connects to virtually any handheld, base, or mobile radio. It features exceptional voice recording quality and higher capacity than any other comparable device on the market.
Simplex Repeater
A simplex repeater records incoming transmissions and retransmits them on the same frequency. This has the effect of doubling the time required to transmit a message, but while a traditional repeater typically costs thousands of dollars and might be semi-portable at best, a simplex repeater can be set up with a single handheld radio and operated from batteries. This makes it perfect for disaster response, home or campground use, and any place where radio range needs to be extended but the cost and complexity of a traditional repeater can’t be justified. Additionally, the unique ‘say again’ repeat-on-demand feature of the ADS-SR1 allows it to be operated in silent mode, repeating transmissions only when requested. This can be used to repeat a missed transmission or to check for missed calls, even hours or days after the last transmission was heard by the repeater.
Voice Mail
The ADS-SR1’s voice mail function operates like a telephone answering machine, allowing users to record messages for later retrieval. Up to 20 incoming messages can be recorded, and a separate voice mail access code lets multiple users retrieve messages without having to share the repeater’s regular security code.
Voice Beacon
Up to 10 voice announcements can be stored in the ADS-SR1’s non-volatile memory. Each message can be set to transmit at a specified interval, and a time offset setting allows beacons to be staggered or rotated. Intervals can be from a few seconds up to twelve hours. One message can also be configured to play in response to an incoming transmission. This can be used for repeater identification, or to provide instructions on using the repeater or voice mail. A separate inhibit timer stops the message from playing again for a specified time interval.
- # 218 seconds total recording time
- # 19.2 kHz sample rate for excellent voice clarity and SSTV compatibility
- # 10 voice announcements with independent timers
- # Programmable maximum message length setting
- # 20-year data retention with no power
- # Optional Morse code or voice identification
- # DTMF remote control for all functions
- # Operates from two AA batteries or external 4-28 V DC supply
- # ‘Say again’ function repeats last received transmission on command
- # Selectable courtesy tones
- # Audio output adjustable in hardware and by remote command
- # PTT modes for handheld and mobile radios
- # Upgradeable software for future enhancements
- # Programmable security code with auto-lock feature
- # Unit remains controllable even with stuck receiver squelch
- # 1 year warranty on complete unit, 5 years on flash memory